Savana Styles, Chris Cock & Veronica Valentine set to appear in episode 7 of the jack Jimminy Show
Savana Styles, Chris Cock & Veronica Valentine set to star on wildly popular show

Savana Styles, Chris Cock & Veronica Valentine  are just some of the special all-stars set to appear in episode 7 the wildly popular“Jack Jimminy Show” The duo join  regular cast members  Nolan Silverstein, BJ Averell, Sally Mullins, Eddie WhiteheadJr, Jeremy Paul, and  Tom Whalen.  

“I love working with Dromebox.” Says respected Actor Chris Cock, “Each show on the network has a different vibe and is unique in its own right.”

Performers interested in appearing on the Jack Jimminy comedy series, please contact Nolanat:

Fullepisodes are available on-demand at

Follow them on social media:  TwitterDromeboxlabs-@DromeBoxLabs,Jack Jimminy @Jack_Jimminy, Sally Mullins -@sullymullins1 and Silvia Saige - @kristinDennisComedy

Instagram and FaceBbook is -@DromeBoxLabs,

Jack Jimminy was born to Richard Jimminy and Sally Mullins on the set of “Who Wants to Be My Baby's Daddy Vol. 5.” As the child of two ofDelaware's most powerful porn stars, Jack was destined to achieve actinggreatness. However, Jack has maintained his career mostly unnoticed by viewersas the feature extra in over 500 films. Jack Jimminy brings a degree ofprofessionalism to his roles that are often ignored by adult film actors. Hesews his own costumes, prepares 5-star meals for dinner scenes, and even delvesdeep into drugs and alcohol abuse for his popular “Charlie Hobo” character inthe “Gutter Slut” Series.Jack Jimminy graduated from Detroit University with aBachelors in Acting and a Minor in Communication. One day,Jack hopes be amainstream success and to leave the porn industry altogether. Due to rumorsthat Jack does not star porn because he lost his penis in a bizarre boatingaccident, he has asked the writers of this biography to clarify that he does,in fact, have a dick.

DromeBoxLabs isa unique experiment in multi-media software development. Through constantexperimentation with media production, we aim to create InformationTechnologies entirely new and never before seen! In addition to a commitment toconstant core technology development, we have discovered that Los Angeles is inneed of a safe space for artists and producers to hone their crafts without thefear of undue judgment or frivolous expense. DromeBox Labs opens its doors tothese artists and producers as a facility for learning, practicing, and honingtheir craft and accomplishing their goals.

Foundedby the Silverstein Brothers and Ashley Holdren. In just over twoyears, DromeBox has produced 80+ unique production runs and over 2500+ hours ofLA based independent entertainment content. Dromebox Labs can licenseanything in their extensive library,for more details, please contact Nolanat Access toDromeBox's bleeding edge broadcast technologies and techniques allows localproducers the ability to create shows quickly and on nearly impossible budgets.The 6,000sq/ft DromeBox Labs sound-stage boasts an impressive 38ft wide greenscreen cyclorama, 25ft proscenium stage, and a fully functioning kitchen set.

Popularshows: “Hello Cougar” “Modern Art Blitz” “There's A Place” Truth Noir” “JackJimminy: Porn Extra” and countless other productions are available freeon-demand at

DromeBoxairs live Wed-Sun 4pm-1am PST. Support Local Television. Support DromeBoxLaboratories.


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