Goliath Books Introduces PUSSY & BUTT
Goliath Books introduces... PUSSY & BUTT

Hardcover & slipcase!
300 images printed in ultra HD!
Images from top photographers Holly Randall, Dave Naz, Tammy Sands & Joanna Angel!

Goliath Books introduces... PUSSY & BUTT

Goliath Books introduces... PUSSY & BUTT

Goliath Books introduces... PUSSY & BUTT

Goliath Books introduces... PUSSY & BUTT

  • Hardcover & slipcase!
  • 300 images printed in ultra HD! 
  • Images from top photographers Holly Randall, Dave Naz, Tammy Sands & Joanna Angel!

€ 49.99 / 44.99 GBP / 59.99 USD


Take a horizontal book format, choose several very different photographers, who take more than 300 nude photos of the prettiest girls, and then insert the respective front and back portrait on a double page. 

Established photographers Dave Naz, Holly Randall & Chas Ray Krider present their photosets generously on a double page and transform the flipping through the pages of this book to an erotic event. Everything, of course, stark naked and always from the front and the back and especially anywhere in between! The result is a beautiful erotic art photo project, which uninhibitedly and uncensored displays the two most beautiful sides of women: the pussy and the butt.

A true collector's item for enthusiasts of nude photography - artfully wicked through to amateurishly trashy - double is indeed twice as nice!

We’re all about The Sexy, The Weird and The Extraordinary. We believe in in fun and art – and of course in good photography. Our mission is to explore and re-create definitions. What is art? What is trash? What is interesting? We often get asked, if GOLIATH was an „erotic publisher“. It’s yes and no. Yes, we like trash, who doesn’t? No, we publish art. Who says art isn’t allowed to be trash?

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