Miss Mena at Creekside Cabaret Gentlemen’s Club
Miss Mena will be feature dancing at Creekside Cabaret Gentlemen’s Club in Hatfield, PA on Friday, November 18th and Saturday November 19th, 2016.

Miss Mena will be performing 2 shows nightly. Between shows she will be mingling with the guests, taking photos and doing lap dances. “I can’t wait to rock the stage at Creekside Cabaret Gentlemen’s Club and party with my fans!” says ­­­­Miss Mena. These shows will definitely be standing room only - so make sure to get there early.

Miss Mena is one of the hottest feature entertainers on the planet. Miss Mena’s many credits include the 2013 Exotic Dancer Publication’s Miss Exotic Dancer.com 2013 Nominee for Exotic Dancer Publications’ Newcomer Feature Entertainer, Miss Exotic Dancer.com May 2013, Pin-Up Model and Music Video Vixen, Beyond Fantasy Magazine September 2011, Fixe Magazine, Retro Lovely’s Taboo #5, Fire Femme Fatal for Ripley's Believe It or Not & Founding Director of La Petite Mort Burlesque.

Creekside Cabaret Gentlemen’s Club is located at 3225 Advance Lane, Hatfield, PA 18915.

Call 215-822-2886 or click www.creeksidecabaret.com for more info or reservations.

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