10 Tips For Surviving Your First Sex Party
Sex parties, once a hush-hush underground scene, has been thrust into the semi-mainstream. There is also a greater acceptance of sexual kinks in today’s society, and that is a great thing. They can also feel a bit intimidating, though. Fear not, we’ve collected 10 tips that will make it easy for you to survive and thrive at your first sex party.

Sex parties, once a hush-hush underground scene, has been thrust into the semi-mainstream. The internet has given rise to kink communities and has made it easier for people to connect with one another. There is also a greater acceptance of sexual kinks in today’s society, and that is a great thing. Sex parties are a fun way to explore your sexuality, meet people in the kink community, and have a bit of fun. They can also feel a bit intimidating, though. Fear not, we’ve collected 10 tips that will make it easy for you to survive and thrive at your first sex party.

Layout Your Own Ground Rules

Layout Your Own Ground Rules

Before you get to the party, it Is always a good idea to discuss your rules and boundaries with your partner; whether it is your romantic partner or your sex party buddy. Discussing your rules and boundaries are the best way to discover what you are both comfortable with.

For romantic partners, an “anything goes” mentality might seem perfectly plausible after a drink at home, or during a pillow talk session, but we urge you to be realistic with your boundaries. Couples may find that hypothetical pillow talk doesn’t translate well when another living, breathing person is touching their partner. This is okay, and it isn’t uncommon. To avoid a scene or hurt feelings, do be honest with what boundaries will work best for your first time out.

If your sex party buddy is just a friend it is still a good idea to discuss your boundaries with one another. This can help keep you safe and get you out of situations you don’t feel comfortable in. It is also a great way to explore how far you are willing to go your first time out.

Coleen Singer is a writer, photographer, film editor and all-around geeky gal at Sssh.com, where she often waxes eloquent about sex, porn, sex toys, censorship, the literary and pandering evils of Fifty Shades of Grey and other topics not likely to be found on the Pulitzer Prize shortlist. She is also the editor and curator of EroticScribes.com.

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