Sir Ezra Pens First Guide to Ethical Mindfucking
Educator at Sanctuary LAX and The House of Algos releases "Mindfucking Mindfully: A Guide to Mental Manipulation for BDSM and Sadomasochism" The first ethical guide to mindfucking ever published.

Sir Ezra Pens First Guide to Ethical Mindfucking

Los Angeles, California – Sir Ezra of House of Algos and educator at Sanctuary LAX has announced the publication of the first guide to mental manipulation for BDSM practitioners and the larger community. Intellectual dissection of the practice is accompanied by several first-hand accounts from Sir Ezra and other leaders in the field.  

“Mindfucking Mindfully…” stands to help the kink neophyte, the S&M veteran or those intersecting with BDSM. It covers the basics with a focus on safety, ethics, and best practices. It also covers advanced techniques, the categorization of the various mechanisms as well as some examples of elaborate mindfucks. Lastly, a simple game is outlined and included to help people practice the mindfuck with each other in responsible ways.

“It shares all the sweet secrets that we, mindfuckers, have up our sleeves," says Midori, legendary BDSM author and educator in the kink community. "This is a humane book. Why is it humane?  Because this tries very hard to address the gray area of desire. This gives several very useful tools to think about, discuss, and use for understanding consent, fun, agency, and abuse”. 

The book is available on as a paperback or audio book on or after May 21, 2021  An exclusive book release party will also be held at Sanctuary LAX Studios on May 21,2021 from 8 p.m. – 1a.m.  Guest list is limited to 25 persons that have been fully vaccinated.Tickets are $40 and available at


Book pre-orders are available at before May 21, 2021.


Owner of High Octane Heart Media and PR. Working with Mistress Cyan's franchises, DomCon, Sanctuary LAX, Lair at AVN, and Erotic City at LA Pride. Also working with Michael Ninn and others. I also run, creating Fetish artwork about leather, latex, BDSM and those that amplify the experience. The site also sends love to graphic artists who specialize in fetish art.

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